Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12/01/09 - AM Update

Saw Aiden late last night. Looks great with only a feeding tube.

Weight showed a slight gain to 3 lbs 6.5 oz. Every half oz counts.

Nurse told us they were going to increase his feeding intake a little, from 3ml to..? If he absorbs all of the increased feeding amount they will switch to regular formula and see how he does. Regular chest xrays will be required to be sure he doesn't start accumulating fluid in his chest cavity again. Trial and error at this point. Everything depends on how his body responds and processes the fluids.

Kangaroo therapy can start any time. This is skin to skin contact with mom and dad for an hour or more at a time. Probably start this week so we'll probably have some very late nights.

No declines and slight weight gains are a terrific sign and very encouraging. We are doing our best to get through this and bring him home as healthy as possible. It will take time. Keep Aiden in your prayers and know we will make whatever sacrifices necessary.

We hope to post updated pics tonight.

Thanks again to everyone for your support and prayers.

Posted by: Dad


  1. Wow. What great news. It does sound like a lot of late nights, but it will be worth it. All of that bonding is well worth it.

    Lots of love and prayers.

    Aunt Louise

  2. Such a strong little guy, will continue to pray for his recovery.
