Sunday, November 29, 2009

11/29 - P.M. Update

Aiden continues to look great. So precious when he's resting.

He decided to pull his feeding tube out so the nurse put it in through his nose tonight and taped it down. He didn't like it and has already tried pulling it out. Communicates pretty well for only 11 days old.

His weight is 3 lbs 6 oz. Expected to fluctuate a little depending on his activity level each day.

Feeding will remain at 3ml for the next few days at least. 5ml = 1 tsp and 3ml is almost 3/4 tsp. Aiden gets fed every 6hrs for now. Can you imagine being fed only
3 tsp/day?

Will remain in level 3 NICU for at least a few more days. Probably until day 14 or 15 as a precaution. The want to be sure he is feeding well and has all attention necessary. Not uncommon for babies to go from level 3 to level 2 and back to level

He makes interesting facial expressions. Some smiles. Some unique expressions. And lots of yawns.

All the nurses continue to be amazed at his progress. Everyone wants to be cautious that we don't forget his little body needs lots of rest and his heart condition still exists. His last chest xray was okay showing no signs of a decline. Fluid does not appear to be accumulating in his chest at this time.

We are very fortunate and appreciate everyone's love and prayers. Please continue to pray for Aiden and our family.

Please remember others who are less fortunate and need our prayers as well. We have not heard from Baby Roland's family since Wednesday evening. We pray everything is okay and that they remain strong.

Posted by: Dad

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Aiden is doing so well. Sure, he's back at level 3, but he'll be back to level 2 in no time. I still hold my breath when I read these updates and don't realize it, until I'm done reading, and I start breathing again.

    Take care, and we love ya.

    Aunt Louise
