Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3/17/10 ENT visit

Aiden has been such a joy and really a fantastic baby (knock on wood - don't want to jinx it!) He is getting up 1 to 2 times a night and is eating about 4 - 5 ounces. We have introduced some rice cereal mixed with some fruit and is eating like a champ! He loves it and we can't shovel it in fast enough for him. He will be 4 months old tomorrow! How times flies. Last week was the 1st week without a dr. appointment since he came home on Christmas. It was so nice! Daddy actually got to have a Saturday off instead of making up his time from the appointment day. Aiden is currently weighing in 9 lbs. 14 oz according to the scale at the ENT!!! Go lil Bubba!!

Yesterday, was a milestone day! Aiden hates tummy time, but mommy makes him do it anyway. Mommy put him on his belly, went out to grab her phone to let the grandparents hear how much he hates it. When she walked ino the room Aiden was rolling over to his back! Take that mom, told you I don't like being on my belly!

Today Daddy took Aiden to the Ear Nose and Throat specialist. After looking in his ears, the dr. reported that Aiden's ear canals were "extremely narrow." He didn't know whether or not this is due to prematurity or possibly even something to do with Aiden's chromosomal issue.

The ENT gave a referral to have ear molds for hearing aids done. He stated Aiden mostly likely has severe to profound hearing loss. He mentioned that the "norm" tends to be Cochlear Implants around 2 years of age.

This is not what we were told was going to be happening. We were told that Aiden would have to go through another battery of hearing tests. But once again we are having to be unwillingly patient for the next step. Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful!


  1. I still check you blog on a weekly basis. Those last pictures were so precious! He is adorable!!
    I do not have a recent phone # or address for you. Would you email that to me please. Keep those pics coming, I love seeing how he is changing and growing.
    Love, Pat

  2. He sure is cute! Love the pics as well and hope to see more soon. Will keep following the little booger... he's doing amazing!

