Wednesday, April 7, 2010

04/07/10 - Gaining Momentum...

Aiden's up to 11 lbs 4 oz (naked weight). Porking up!! I'll toast to that!

Drinking 6 oz. servings now. And he's eating 2/3 of a coffee cup full of baby food. Special mixture of:

5 oz baby rice cereal
2 oz baby formula
1 pkg (5 oz)Gerber Nature Select baby food for flavor (he likes peaches/pears)

Mix it up - remove the chill - shovel as fast as he can swallow or else! He likes fast food! (Did it one time but it still counts!)

Not a messy eater - eats in my lap and bibs stay pretty clean. I suppose I could be a good baby feeder - think I missed my calling...hmmm....

Today's Cynergist appt. went well. Suggested if he doesn't start rolling over on his own (soon) to get physical therapist to work with him and also recommended a helmet to help his head shape/development. He has a slight shift/divot that should be easily corrceted if we stay on top of it.

Cut his caffiene dose in half for a few days, then half again a few days later, and then off completely. Will review his performance in about a month and make adjustments accordingly. Mom liked the Cynergist except the part when the Cynergist said she liked seeing Dad bring him in - Mom handled today's appt's.

He'll remain on the Apnea monitor for at least another month.

Aiden's eye exam went as expected. No concerns. Stated that if his eyes start "drifting" to take him to an Optometrist.

Scheduled for ear molds (for hearing aids) next week. Narrow canals could pose a problem. Hearing aids could be installed in coming weeks.

***This does not mean he will hear. This is the first step towards cochlear implants that may provide the ability hear SOME sounds (noise). He will not understand speach and have normal conversations. His normal will always involve sign and lip reading. (Makes me think of all the times I've said, "I'll rip your lips off!" to Brandon and others. Good thing I never did or conversations with Aiden would be hand-outs.) LOL! I'm learning -=--I thought....hearing aids - COOL! He'll hear and converse like the rest of us. WRONG! Not the case. Makes me wonder sign people use caps? All CAPS when they're mad? How do you grade their grammar and punctuation? I'm just sayin...

Early Steps - developmental intervention program - FINALLY contacted us. Therapist that works w/ hearing impaired people (not a hearing impaired therapist as Mom insists on saying) will come to our home for therapy. Not sure how this works - deaf child - speach therapy? - sign? - ??? - make him babble? poop on command? smile for food? got me on this one - should be interesting...

We continue to be blessed with unbelievable friends, family, and never-ending support.

Volunteers to watch him are on a waiting list.

We were blessed with a life challenge that has forever changed our lives and the lives of those around us. Family is just waiting for us to ask for help and patiently waiting to do whatever they can. More than happy to help any way possible. Brandon and Mikayla have been amazing. Friends' kids are buying sign language books and wanting to learn sign because "I'm going to talk to Aiden when he gets older!" they say. I want to learn the short hand version first but have yet to find a "Cliff Notes" that cover this subject.

Things seem to be slowing down a little for us now. Starting to get a little more rest at night.

Updated pics will follow in a seperate post.

Thanks to all!

Keep the faith!

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