Tuesday, January 5, 2010

01/05/10 - PM Update

Still haven't found the camera charger, so no pics. Sorry!

Aiden had his 1st 3 oz bottle tonight. Took his time but he did it!

Still having bradycardia's associated with feeds and bowel movements. A few random apnea's as well. This is expected to continue for a while but will improve in time. That alarm will drive a person nuts! Especially when it's false alarms due to Aiden moving around, causing the wires to lose contact.

Eye appointment yesterday was good. No retinopathy of prematurity (abnormal blood vessel growth on retinas), also known as ROP. Outside of retina still a little premature developmentally but nothing of concern. Next appt is end of March.

Back to the pediatrician on Friday for routine follow-up/checkup.

Yahtzee was caught in the act! Stealing Aiden's socks! Not sure where she's hiding them but she has a stash...somewhere.

Aiden's testing Mom's patience and diaper changing skills development. He seems to think she needs practice because he is pretty regular at two-fers, three-fers, and more on occassion. Occassionally she'll get lucky with a single diaper.

Mom's been peed on a few times. Mom = 3. Dad = 0. Go Daddy!

Aiden's sleeping well.

Nothing too exciting right now. Aiden's doing very well and we couldn't expect him to be any better at this point. Very blessed!

Posted by: Dad

1 comment:

  1. OK, Nat only peed on me once. The real shocker was getting pooped on. There I was with white pants, no less - changing his diaper before going to choir practice, lifted his hiney up, and whamo, all over me. I guess if you gotta go, you gotta go.

    Congrats on the 3 oz. bottle and good news on the eyes.


    Aunt Louise
