Apologies to anyone that checks in to see updated news about Aiden. Life seems to have taken control since Aiden's birthday and it has been wild to say the least. Aiden is currently weighing in about just about 19 pounds. He seems to be right on target for weight gain. He is also just about my knee height, about 26 3/4 inches. So a true knee biter :) He is all smiles, even when he is not feeling well, and quite the charmer and flirt. Mikayla calls him a "momma's boy" and it does seem to fit. I can say I love being the only one he has eyes for even when others are in the room. The downfall to that bit of sweetness comes when he doesn't let me out of his sight without cries and fits - all short lived (most of the time).
Aiden has started a different daycare. Daddy is trying to take off some of the pressure from me, running high schoolers here and there. This daycare is also 10 minutes from his pediatrician. Unfortunately, this is a much needed convenience. Nevertheless, the people at the new daycare center, did not take a long time to fall in love, but I could have told you that.
Since October, when Aiden had RSV, the Flu and Pneumonia, we have combatted a lot of upper respitory infections. We did have a stretch of 3 weeks that we did not visit our pediatrician! That is a big deal in our house! The pulmonolgist decided last week to try some new medicenes, because he doesn't seem to just get the sniffles. The slightest cold turns into an UBER upper respitory infection. She was concerned and even mentioned that he seems to be following the trend towards the dreaded "A" word - asthma. Keeping our fingers crossed that this new medicene regiment will do the trick (a least for awhile).
Aiden's world is going mobile :) or he is rather. He started off with 4 steps, and after that didn't take 1 for about 10 days. Then one evening it clicked. I came home from school and the muffin head was on the move. With lots of encouragement and fun from Daddy and Brandon, Aiden was zooming across the living room floor. Zooming might be an exageration, but for a 1 year old...zooming works for me. He has been walking, tottering, and wreaking havoc on 2 feet for a good solid 5 days. Daddy even has him walking to the truck to go bye bye :) I thought my life was busy before...it was just getting warmed up!
The last bit to share for now is about his hearing. The Ear, Nose and Throat doc is walking us through the process for cochlear implants. We have to have a sedated CT (next week) to see if the ear structure supports the implants, then we must also have a sedated ABR (hearing test). These are the preliminary steps we must go through to find out if he is a canidate for the implants. This doctor would have liked to have seen Aiden with implants by 12 months. He is now 14 1/2 months. He is trying to fast forward a normally 6 month process into 3. We will keep you posted about the next Adventures of Aiden. God Bless!
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